South whitehall township yard waste. Permits & Licensing. South whitehall township yard waste

Permits & LicensingSouth whitehall township yard waste  Monday through Thursday 7:30am to 5:00pm Closed Friday Closed Holidays

Who We Are. 4444 Walbert Avenue, Allentown, PA 18104. The Township employs approximately 120 employees. Our office hours are from 8 AM until 4 PM, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays). Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM (Excluding Holidays) Phone. Collection may start as early as 5 AM in the Route 309 corridor and townshipwide during special weather events. Yard Waste. Home. Current Rates for Refuse/Recycling. 00 if paid between 72 hours and 10 days. Under the provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Act of 1945, the South Whitehall Township Board of Commissioners regulates and governs certain responsibilities of. South Whitehall Township, PA. Trash, Recycling and Yard Waste; Water and Sewer; Stormwater; Public Works Forms; Boards and Commissions. The residential hauler for South Whitehall Township is Waste Management. Leaf Collection. Yard Waste. Parking fines are set at $15. Do not bag yard waste. ONLY TRASH AND RECYCLING IN TOWNSHIP ISSUED. Board of Commissioners; Planning Commission; Zoning Hearing Board;. Go. 00 if paid within 72 hours, and $30. South Whitehall Township, PA. The Yard Waste Center is Now Open on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays from 8 AM until 3 PM. Administration: 610-398-0401. The residential hauler for South Whitehall Township is Waste Management. Police. Administration: 610-398-0401. The Township’s main campus is the central headquarters for all services offered directly by the Township government. YARD WASTE UPDATE: We have received several calls about the yard waste facility. PPL will need to know the pole location and any identification numbers that are tagged on the pole. BoardDocs. Yard Waste Drop Off Sticker . 4444 Walbert Avenue. Non-Emergency Dispatch: 610-437-5252. Public. Police Administration: 610-398-0337. Trash & Recycling. 00/quarter. Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste. 4444 Walbert Avenue, Allentown, PA 18104. Waste Management. April 30, 2020 ·. South Whitehall is proud to contract resident trash and recycling services with Waste Management. Whitehall Township - Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Township Offices are Open at 4444 Walbert Avenue. 1 can of grass clippings allowed per week. South Whitehall Landscapes. Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM (Excluding Holidays) Phone. Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM (Excluding Holidays) Phone. Leaf collection is one of Public Works largest. South Whitehall Township, PA Home Menu. Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM (Excluding Holidays) Phone. South Whitehall Township, PA. Administration: 610. It is the responsibility of the residents to protect their leaves along the street so that they do. Container Setout Instructions. Place bundles or containers out on trash day. Board of Commissioners; Planning Commission; Zoning Hearing Board;. Permits & Licensing. The bill is flat rated, and residents have the option of paying for the entire year by January 31 or in quarterly installments. In general, collection starts after 6 AM. Non-Emergency Dispatch: 610-437-5252. Go. 4444 Walbert Avenue, Allentown, PA 18104. South Whitehall Township, PA. 4444 Walbert Avenue. South Whitehall Township. Leaf collection is one of Public Works largest operations involving 20 employees, 14 trucks and many hours of overtime. 610-437-5524 3219 MacArthur Road / Whitehall, Pa 18052 Go Back; Yard Waste Yard waste (shrubs, hedge clippings, weeds, tree branches (no longer than 4 ft. Invitations to Bid Zoning Portal Employment Opportunities Contact Us. 00 if paid between 72 hours and 10 days, for all violations except Handicap Zone violations, which are $50. (April - November) Service Schedule. 00/year or $95. South Whitehall Township Police Administration Office. Yard waste (shrubs, hedge clippings, weeds, tree branches (no longer than 4 ft. The Yard Waste Center is Now Open on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays from 8 AM until 3 PM. Trash and Recycling is picked up once a week; and yard waste is picked up once a week. Grass clippings are NOT accepted at the Township Yard Waste Drop-Off Site . 4444 Walbert Avenue, Allentown, PA 18104. South Whitehall Township, PA. Departments; General Info; Calendar; News; Directions; Contact; Alerts; Search. The Community Development Department will investigate the requests to determine if they are valid and take the appropriate action with achieving a positive result in mind. Quarterly bills are mailed April 1, July 1, and October 1. 00 if paid within 72 hours, and $100. The Yard Waste Center is Now Open on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays from 8 AM until 3 PM. PPL provides the maintenance on all Township street lights. Contact Township. 4444 Walbert Avenue, Allentown, PA 18104. If any of your collections are missed or you have a concern, please call the Township at 610-437-5524, Extension 1139 or 1100. So far more than 500 permit cards have been mailed out. Permits & Licensing Applications. Set up New. South Whitehall Township, PA. The Yard Waste Center is Now Open on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays from 8 AM until 3 PM. Attn: Request for Investigation. South Whitehall Township, PA. North Whitehall Township 3256 Levans Road Coplay, Pa 18037 Email: [email protected]. Yard waste collected weekly on trash day, all year. running recreation programs and events, leaf collection, a yard and garden waste center, recycling container and [large item] bulk sticker sales, inspection services, code. Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM (Excluding Holidays). Bills are mailed on January 4th for the current year. CLOSE. You can report the problem to PPL or we can report it for you. in length) cannot be mixed with regular garbage and. Allentown, PA 18104. in length) cannot be mixed with regular garbage and are collected the day after your. Trash, Recycling and Yard Waste; Water and Sewer; Stormwater; Public Works Forms; Boards and Commissions. Please report all streetlight maintenance requests to the PPL Customer Contact Center at 1-800-342-5775. Water and Sewer. Parks & Recreation. Municipal Complex. Board of Commissioners;. All applications that are received by start of business Friday May 1 will be processed and mailed out. Grass clippings collected only April-November. 4444 Walbert Avenue, Allentown, PA 18104. CLOSE. January 2 (New Years Day). . Allentown, PA 18104. North Whitehall Township. Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM (Excluding Holidays) Phone. The Township will begin leaf collection on Monday, October 10th, 2022 and continue until the end of November. Home; Departments. South Whitehall Township, PA Home Menu. 4444 Walbert Avenue, Allentown, PA 18104. South Whitehall Township is authorized to acquire, construct, finance, improve and maintain the Township’s Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems. The Yard Waste Center is Now Open on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays from 8 AM until 3 PM. Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4. Our goal is to first gain code compliance with the property owner. Leaf Collection. The Township will begin leaf collection on Monday, October 10th, 2022 and continue until the end of November. South Whitehall Township, PA | Home Pause South Whitehall Landscapes An Open Space, Historic, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Preservation Plan South Whitehall is kicking off a plan to identify and. As of 1/1/2022 the rate is $380. Trash, Recycling and Yard Waste; Water and Sewer; Stormwater; Public Works Forms; Boards and Commissions. In general, collection starts after 6 AM. Lehigh County no longer accepts leaves, grass clippings, and yard waste at our former composting facility in North Whitehall Township, Lehigh County. Up to 2 tied bundles or 2 open containers of yard waste. Administration: 610. Search. 4444 Walbert Avenue, Allentown, PA 18104. 4444 Walbert Avenue, Allentown, PA 18104. South Whitehall offers a number of payment options. South Whitehall is kicking off an Open Space, Historic, Agricultural, & Natural Resource Preservation Plan! Click here to find out more. Monday through Thursday 7:30am to 5:00pm Closed Friday Closed Holidays. org Phone: 610-799-3411 Fax: 610-799-9639 Office Hours. Waste Management serves Whitehall Township residents as their residential trash hauler from January 1, 2020 thru December 31, 2024. Recycling and Yard Waste; Water and Sewer; Stormwater; Boards and Commissions. Trash and Recycling Collection. Board of Commissioners; Planning Commission; Zoning Hearing Board;. Trash and Recycling is picked up once a week; and yard waste is picked up once a week. You can drop them off inside our newly renovated building or in our secure drop box outside the office. History; Safe Service; Corporate Culture;. Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM (Excluding Holidays) Phone. Office Paper Corrugated Cardboard, Yard Waste * * Yard Waste accepted by South Whitehall Township includes: Tree trimmings up to 4" in diameter and 4' in length;. Zoning Portal Employment Opportunities Contact Us. Search. Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM (Excluding Holidays) Phone. South Whitehall Township, PA. Trash and Recycling Collection. Township Offices are Open at 4444 Walbert Avenue. If you do not receive your card prior to the opening of the. South Whitehall Township, Lehigh County PA - Questions? Call us: 1-888-MASCARO (1-888-627-2276) Solid Waste & Recycling Services. Yard Waste Bulky Collection Special Programs & Services Trash Service Service Information Resident is allowed up to 2 carts of trash each week. South Whitehall Township, PA. Administration: 610. Collection may start as early as 5 AM in the Route 309 corridor and townshipwide during special weather events. . We are accepting permit applications at the Township Building at 4444 Walbert Avenue, Allentown PA 18104 . Leaves, sticks, branches, twigs no more than four feet in length and less than 4" diameter. Police Administration: 610-398-0337. Township Ordinances.